Employer Support
Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) is a national initiative active in more than 20 communities across Canada, and accessible in Nova Scotia through partnership with Autism Nova Scotia. RWA is designed to help employers discover the business case for inclusive employment for Autistic individuals and/or individuals who have an intellectual disability, ages 16 and older.
In today’s hyper-competitive business environment, the difference between success and failure lies in the talent and diverse skill set of your workforce. There are approximately 500,000 working age adults who are Autistic individuals and/or have an intellectual disability. This untapped workforce can help address current labour shortages while making businesses stronger, more diverse, and more productive.
Autism Nova Scotia has staff stationed in four communities in Nova Scotia dedicated to connecting employers in a variety of industries and sectors to a diverse labour pool and have facilitated many successful hires. These staff are also available for employer education on the topics of general inclusive hiring and supporting autism in the workplace.
Find more information regarding Ready, Willing and Able.
- Annapolis Valley
- Cape Breton Region
- Halifax
- Truro
Annapolis Valley
Leah Vidito, Labour Market Facilitator
Cape Breton Region
Winter Cullen, Labout Market Facilitator
Leigh Carter, Labour Market Facilitator
JJ Francis, Labour Market Facilitator
Employer support is made possible in Annapolis Valley and Truro with support of the Government of Nova Scotia, and in Cape Breton Region and Halifax with support of the Government of Canada.