Host Chapter: Halifax • Categories: Parents and Caregivers
Healthy Relationships, Sexuality and Autism Program (Caregiver)
Healthy Relationships, Sexuality and Autism (HRSA)- Caregiver supports parents/caregivers of Autistic family members. HRSA- Caregivers introduces concepts of sexuality and relationships to caregivers while providing tools on how to support them in teaching and discussing sexuality with their Autistic family member from a sex-positive, and inclusive lens.
Ages/Life Stage:
Caregivers/parents of Autistic family member
Program Cost:
HRSA-Caregiver is delivered in person and virtually via Zoom, depending on the cohort
The HRSA-Caregiver program is an introductory program to the concepts of Comprehensive Sexuality Education program designed specifically for parents/caregivers of Autistic family members. This program is delivered both in person and virtually through Zoom, depending on the cohort.
Participants in the HRSA-Caregiver program attend weekly two-hour sessions, led by a trained HRSA educator (and supervised by Autism Nova Scotia’s Sexologist), for 7 weeks (either online or in person). Participants in the HRSA-Caregiver program must be a caregiver/parent of an Autistic family member.
Please note: this program is not training for professionals supporting Autistic people. If you are a professional looking for training, please see our training page:
Topics Covered:
– Comprehensive Sexuality Education
– Support the Development of Personal Skills
– Supporting Knowledge Acquisition of Comprehensive Sexuality Education Topics
– Navigating Sexuality Services in the Community
Next Cohort:
The next HRSA cohort is scheduled to start in late April 2024, exact date TBD.
Other Sexuality Programs & Resources:
Allie Carroll, Program Supervisor