Host Chapter: Annapolis Valley, Cape Breton Region, Cumberland County, Halifax, Pictou County, South Shore, South West, Strait Area, Truro • Categories: Adults, Children and Youth, Parents and Caregivers • Province Wide
AIDE Canada

The Autism and/or Intellectual Disability Knowledge Exchange Network (AIDE Canada) was launched in 2019 in partnership with the Public Health Agency to Canada as part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder Strategic Fund. The AIDE Canada initiative was founded by the Miriam Foundation in Montreal and the Pacific Autism Family Network in Vancouver. In May of 2020, AIDE Canada expanded their initiative to include four additional regional hubs across Canada, bringing the total to six. Autism Nova Scotia is proud to be one of the regional hub coordinators serving the Atlantic Canada region.

What is AIDE?
The AIDE Canada Network has six hub coordinators across Canada that work together to provide people in the autism and/or intellectual disability community with access to online resources and information.
Autism Nova Scotia is home to the Atlantic Canada Hub Coordinator who works to support those living in the Atlantic Canadian provinces.
Success to Date:
- Created a Housing Toolkit for each Atlantic Province to help families navigate and better understand the housing sector.
- Developed guides to explain the supports and funding available in each of the Atlantic Canadian provinces for individuals and families.
- Screened and uploaded over 750+ resources in Atlantic Canada into the online Locate Map on the AIDE Canada Website.
- Hosted 10+ online webinars on topics including employment, person-directed planning, trauma, mental health, respite services, occupational therapy, and the importance of play.
- Assisted over 50 Atlantic Canadians navigate resources they were looking for through the AIDE Canada control center.
- Created a series of resources for youth navigating healthy relationships, sexuality and autism
- Launched an online lending library available for Atlantic Canadians to rent hard copies, activities, and e-books through the AIDE Canada Website.
- Developed an in-house pop-up film studio for current and future projects.
Jill Cormier, Maritime Hub Coordinator