Host Chapter: Halifax, Annapolis Valley, Bedford-Sackville, Cape Breton Region, Cumberland County, Pictou County, South Shore, South West, Strait Area, Truro • Categories: Adults • Virtual Event • Province Wide
Employment: Employment & Wellness Support Group
The Employment & Wellness Support Group comes together weekly online, allowing participants to talk about their employment experiences and questions. It is an open space to provide support for those who need it and/or want to share their experiences.
The Employment & Wellness Support Group is an online, conversational support group led by an autistic facilitator. The group meets weekly online to discuss employment-related topics such as maintaining a healthy work-life balance, accommodations at work, disclosing autism, and more.
Participants are given a space to talk or type about their experiences, ask questions, and get advice from others. Participants may leave their camera and microphone on or off and utilize the chat function as they feel comfortable.
Previous participants are encouraged to apply to be a First Voice Leader in future cohorts.
Ages/Life Stage:
Rod Schofield, Program Educator ● 902-706-7362
The Employment & Wellness Support Group is made possible with the support of the Government of Nova Scotia.