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Host Chapter: Annapolis Valley, Cumberland County, Cape Breton Region, Pictou County, Halifax, South Shore, South West, Strait Area, Truro Categories: Adults Virtual Event Province Wide

Employment: Career Quest

Career Quest is an online group that supports individuals in searching for and applying for jobs. Individuals from across the province can access support from program educators who are trained in current workplace hiring practices. During Career Quest, Autistic job seekers are supported where they are at in their job search journey. This can range from searching for jobs, tailoring a resume, or exploring the pros and cons of specific employment opportunities. Participants work with educators to become comfortable and confident in job seeking on their own. Career Quest meets online twice weekly for 2 hours to work on their job searching goals.


Career Quest is an online group that supports people in searching for and applying for jobs. With a focus on independence, Career Quest helps individuals to increase skills and confidence to search for and apply for jobs, build independent habits, and encourages connection to employment support in community through local employment agencies. 

Ages/Life Stage:





Our Career Quest groups may at times be at maximum capacity. If this is the case, interested participants who apply will be added to our waitlist and contacted regarding other employment support options


Apply Here: Career Quest Application


Rod Schofield, Program Educator

Lindsay Feit, Program Educator

Career Quest is made possible with the support of the Government of Nova Scotia.

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