Helpful Strategies for Mealtime Routines
Mealtimes with toddlers can be a wonderful opportunity for connection and learning. Here are some simple strategies to make mealtime smoother and more enjoyable:
Consistency: Establish a predictable routine with 2-hour gaps between meals and snacks. Regular hunger cues can make toddlers more open to trying new foods.
Patience: Food exploration is messy but valuable! Allowing children to touch, smell, and even play with food helps them become more comfortable with new flavours and textures.
No Pressure: Trying new foods takes time and exposure. Offer two favourite foods alongside a small portion of something less familiar to encourage gentle exploration.
Positioning: A good eating posture supports safe chewing and swallowing. Aim for proper seating where the table or tray is at elbow height, knees are bent, and feet are supported.